The Purple Popcorn is known for its vibrant purple unpopped kernels. It has fewer hulls and a unique taste specific to Purple Popcorn that is enjoyed by many. When popped, the kernels are small with a texture combination or soft and crunchy, providing a well-rounded popcorn experience.
While our uniquely-colored popcorn kernel varieties(Midnight Blue, Red, Purple, Blue, Rainbow) have a colored kernel, they will be white or yellow once popped. For popped popcorn to be colored, the kernels need to be dyed beforehand, and we do not use dyes or preservatives.
Compared to Other Popcorn
Red Popcorn, like many other popcorn varieties, contains fiber, making it a healthy and nutritious snack. It is a less common and gourmet experience compared to Yellow and White Popcorn.
Popping Tips
For best results, Purple Popcorn should be popped using stovetop or microwave popping methods. The kernels expand rapidly during popping and produce a large and fluffy popped kernel. Try it with salt and butter, or the seasonings we offer in our store.