Silicone popper
I love both the popper and popcorn. So easy to use that I make very frequent crispy snacks weekly.
$0 - $24.99
Ships for $7.99
$25 - $49.99
Ships for $10.99
Ships for $13.99
*Some exclusions apply
I love both the popper and popcorn. So easy to use that I make very frequent crispy snacks weekly.
Amazing popper! I absolutely love this, and all the corn pops. I didn't use oil in popper, but what I did was add the canola buttery popcorn oil with my butter and its better than the movie theatre kind of course because it's Amish Country Corn!! Get yourself a popper and enjoy!!
I purchased this popper after getting tired of popping popcorn on the stove in pans, since I don't have an actual stove popper. Which works great, but this microwave popper is SO easy to use. We have a rather small microwave, but it still works. I use a small amount of oil in the bottom of the popper and then add the kernels. You don't have to add oil, however. The popper comes out very warm when the popcorn is done, so you have to be careful. The popcorn comes out just great, makes a lot of popcorn, and so much easier and faster, as well as less messier than on the stove. Love that it is collapsible for storing as well. So glad to find this popper and highly recommend it to others.